Contact Us




324 E Walnut St

Oglesby, IL 61348

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Frequently Asked Questions

Can I pay weekly, biweekly or monthly?

Your membership will be deducted on the same day each month. If you would like to set up an alternative payment schedule, please have a chat to us.

Can I put my membership on hold if I can't make it and for how long?

You are able to put your membership on hold for up to eight weeks if you are injured, busier than usual or expecting to spend time out of town. Please let us know two weeks in advance of your hold period and we will arrange to suspend your payments. We’ll need a start and finish date as we will automatically to restart your membership when your hold period is complete. We can only put a membership on hold for a maximum of eight weeks. Anything more is considered a cancellation, which will be carried out in accordance with our normal cancellation terms. Of course, we would love for you to come back and will be happy to discuss renewing your membership at any time.

Can I cancel my membership at any time?

Yes, you have the flexibility to cancel your membership. Please refer to our Membership Agreement for specific details on cancellation policies and any associated fees. Our goal is to accommodate your needs while ensuring the best fitness experience for you.

Can I come in to try a class?

Yes, we offer a free trial class to anyone who wants to try The Fit Stop for the first time. Simply complete the Free Trial class form and book in a time to come in for your first class. After you have attended your free class we encourage you to become part of the community so you can make the most of what our gym has to offer.

What amenities does your facility provide?

At XLand we keep it simple we have some machine, but we mostly use free- weights and bands and bodyweight for our clients, We do offer a changing room and a locker to keep your stuff in, We keep our studio clean so we ask everyone to bring a change of shoes (gym shoes). Most of our training is done via appointment so we ask everyone to wait until at least 5 minutes before there sessions to come into the gym. Our priority is to create an environment that supports your fitness journey holistically and we want you to feel better when you leave then when you come into your session.


Free Fitness & Wellness Assessment


Connect With Us

XLand Fitness

324 E Walnut St,

Oglesby IL 61348


or 815-993-9168

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